Health & Wellness

The program focuses on teaching skills to manage feelings, anxiety and the normal stresses of the school day.
The main focus is on how to make friends and how to be a good friend. The program also focuses on building positive self-esteem and increasing problem-solving skills, which also helps with building strategies for paying attention and learning.
Conflict or disagreement is normal and often happens when children get together. However, hurtful words, gestures, or physical attack are unacceptable ways to deal with conflict and disagreement at school.
Our goal is to teach students several positive ways to deal with these difficult situations.
To do this, we are asking students who have minor problems to try at least two of the following ideas:
  1. Go to another game or activity.
  2. Share and take turns.
  3. Respectfully talk it over and listen to each other.
  4. Walk away from the problem.
  5. Ignore the problem behaviour.
  6. Tell the person to stop the problem behaviour.
  7. Apologize.
  8. Make a deal or compromise.
  9. Wait to cool off.
The HEROES program is designed to assist the children with using their character strengths which are needed to make constructive choices, leading them to future success. HEROES program is based upon the belief that everyone has abilities, gifts, and a desire to succeed.
Each session links a character trait with a story or experiential template that appeals to a wide variety of learning styles. This knowledge is then incorporated through a series of questions and exercises that invite the student to consider a process of feeling, thought, and behaviour – followed up with the challenge to then share what they have learned with their families, schools, communities.
Through Community supports from May ​Court of London, and OSNP, we are pleased to offer a "Breakfast Program" for students, who may not have time nor resources at home, to have a "good, nutritious start" to their day. Students will be welcomed in Room 21 at 8:15am by Mrs. Mendonca, Monday to Friday.
Please note this program is not meant as a child minding service, however if you are in need of child minding we recommend in advance of when you need care that you contact the London Children's Connection (L.C.C.) program that is run onsite at our school, 519-681-6295.
Parents, guardians and caregivers who use our parking lot to pick up students are reminded to carefully take note of the posted signs for
"Exit" and "Entrance" to the parking lot.
Drivers are not obeying these signs which could result in a serious injury or an accident if not obeyed. You could also receive a ticket from the London Police Department for not obeying posted road signs.
As well, PLEASE USE the designated parking spaces in our large parking lot. Do not park "just in the middle of the parking lot" OR Do not park or drive through the bus lanes, when buses are present.
This causes a great potential for accidents and undue traffic congestion. If there are no spots in the main parking lot and the 2 buses are already parked, you can park in behind the buses – but DO NOT BLOCK their way.
If you are dropping off your child(ren) – please walk them, especially younger students, to the school. Do not simply let them off in the parking lot OR along the gravel shoulder of Huron Street, as has been witnessed – this is an extremely dangerous practise.
Thank you for cooperating and helping to make our school a safer place for everyone.

Healthy Schools News in Collaboration with Brescia College's

"Nutrition Ignition Project"

Congratulations in helping our school's effort in promoting healthy eating and physical activity and for making healthy living a priority in our school community, over the past few years with our partnership with Brescia College University's program – Nutrition Ignition. Healthy food choices and active living promote health and well-being for the children in our school and for their families. As you know, well-nourished and active children are better learners! Stay tuned for more "Healthy Living" choices/activities from our Committee and our Community Partners in the Nutrition Ignition Program at St. Anne.
Nutrition Ignition Snack Attack Volunteers

1. Immunization Reporting
Did you know….
It's the responsibility of parents and guardians to notify the Health Unit when their child has been immunized. Your doctor does not do this.
Keep them informed:
  • Call: 519-663-5317 ext. 2330
  • Fax: 519-663-0416
  • Online: [email protected]
  • Walk-in: 50 King Street
2. Life-threatening Allergies
As the school year begins, please remember that many children have severe allergies. Some foods like peanuts, products such as latex, or insects (e.g. bee stings) can cause a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) for some people. There are some simple steps you can take to create the safest place possible for those at risk.
Please be respectful of any requests and support your child to:
  • Wash their hands before and after eating
  • Avoid sharing food and utensils
1. Keep eating surfaces clean to avoid cross-contamination
2. Be supportive of the student with the allergy – no making fun of or pressuring others to eat something

Allergies can be deadly. It's important that we all do what we can to try to prevent a tragedy. It only takes one bite.
3. Super Snacks!
Most children need to eat more than 3 meals a day. Offering your child 2-3 healthy snacks between meals can help them stay energized! Be prepared and keep healthy snacks on hand. Involve your child in making healthy snacks and be a positive role model by making healthy choices yourself!
Generally, a healthy snack should include at least two food groups from Canada's Food Guide.
Quick snack ideas to energize the day:
  • Yogurt Parfait: layer yogurt with fresh berries and top with granola!
  • Fruit Smoothie: in a blender, combine frozen fruit, yogurt and milk enjoy with whole grain crackers
  • Crackers and cheese with a glass of milk.
  • Veggie sticks with hummus.
  • Air-popped popcorn with a glass of 100% fruit juice.
  • Apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon, and cheese cubes.
  • Fruit pieces on a pretzel stick with layered with cheese cubes.
4. Booster Seats
ONLINE Health Unit News – check our "Newsletter" section under "NEWS' on our school website, for "Trip P Parenting Class" information.
A booster seat lifts children up so that the seat belt fits correctly. Putting children in a seat belt before they are big enough puts them at risk for serious injuries or death in a crash. "Seat belt syndrome" is how doctors describe injuries to the spine and internal organs that can happen to children who are too small for the seat belt. Children are the safest in a booster seat until they are 4 feet 9 inches (145cm) tall
The law requires children to ride in a booster seat when they are
Under 4 feet 9 inches (145cm) tall
Less than 80 lbs. or 36 kg.
and under the age of 8 years old
For more information on booster seats see:
Families in need of a booster seat can contact 519-663-5317 ext. 3755
Every October is Autism Awareness month in Canada however this is something we need to think about all year, as every day affords us a special chance to make others aware of this disability of increasing proportion.
Some of our students have autism and it is our wish as a community to support them and their families.
For more information visit Autism Awareness​.
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM), an international celebration focused on raising awareness for all forms of diabetes, its signs and symptoms, and gain support for critical research toward preventing, better treating and curing all forms of the disease.
For more information visit